Producer Victoria Whelan is an Creative Ideas Factory who Ignites Change-Makers!
Producing over 12 national festival in the United Kingdom, Victoria has worked with Susanne Vega, Deepak Chopra, Rising Appalachia,
Charles Eisenstein, Deva Premal and Miten. Plus many more awesome speakers and artists who are beacons for the world.
Before that work she worked in the music industry, co-producing over 30 albums, plus music videos,documentaries, graphic design and many brand launches.
A ridiculous creative in her own right with the Seed Festival, Visual Artist and over 11 Albums, including SHE Nation #riseinlove

About Victoria
“Victoria is simply brilliant at this work and IS a certified ‘Idea Factory’.
Seriously her ideas are GOLD!”
As a Producer and Creative, Victoria helps people like YOU connect with their Calling and transform into a Business, where they find huge relief as they plug into their life purpose plus a vibrant energy and aliveness doing something they love, whilst creating more good things for the world.
Victoria produces albums, artwork, videos, festivals, as well as branding and product launches . She is a fountain of creative ideas aka ‘Ideas Factory’ and an inspiring entrepreneur helping many transform their lives; living the life of their dreams, doing what they love.
Want to know more?
Initially a dancer, Victoria went on to train in Theatre yet found whilst meditating with a Tibetan Rinpoche that she found she could writes songs. Who knew! From there she headed to the desert and the heart of Australia. where songs in all genres poured out of her. What to do with these songs? Hence traveling north to Darwin to find a musician, this kicked off the RocknRoll decade and a dozen albums.
An amazing four-year journey followed and she was apprenticed to an Aboriginal elder with the Roper River Mob in Kakadu. More magic ensued and she ended up touring the length and breath of Australia in a band called Under the Spell of the Trees that was half aboriginal and had national airplay with their hit song called Will of Love, performing with the likes of The Clouds, Kate Celebrano, Things of Stone and Wood and the Bundu Boys.
Victoria is an Eco- Artist, Love Activist, Songstress, Juicy Creatrix and a Make- it- Happen -Mama! Though super grateful for this magical adventure and journey into the dreamtime, she needed to find her own roots and bloods history, as the Celt in her was hungry to find home. So she came to be living on Ancient Dartmoor in the UK for the last few decades. Saying that something is stirring again and she may be on the move – so watch this space!

Imagine yourself at a whole festival of your Passion Project
5 Random Facts

1. Can You Be Addicted To Projects? Plus A Certified Ideas Factory?
Its a clinical condition but Victoria is just gushing great ideas! Her Ex said to her current Bo “You know she isnt going to do them all” yet she loves a project more than most things! In fact one time after a break up, heart broken she became the promoter of International Act Deva Premal & Miten. It was quite an undertaking and new venture but she was desperate to do a passionate project and feel alive again!
2. Snorkeling is like Flying in Water but you need a Unicorn Mask!
These new full face snorkel masks are awesome as you can chat to fellow snorkellers, duck dive without blowing back and its amazing for visibility. Just south of Narooma in NSW, Australia there are tidal swallow backwaters that warm up and are like a bath with fish. You just float with the tide effortlessly, its like flying in water. Favourite thing ever!
3. Passionate About Love's Role In The Eco- Movement - Love As A Muscle
Hawkwood’s Seed Festival is dear to Victoria’s heart as its Producer and Artistic Director. It’s a very intentional event – the perfect combination of determination and celebration of people love of the planet and the good work being done to help save the planet and its species. The hope is people will act to save something they love, not a fluffy love but Love as a Muscle!
4. Motherhood Rescued the Diva - Confessions Of A Rock Star
After 20 years in Rock n Roll Victoria had a certain presence, perhaps even a toughness from excelling in a ‘mans’ world, yet quietly she knew that motherhood would redeem her. Well perhaps not so quietly with albums The Softening, Wideawake & Dreaming, Into the Blue, Daughters of Gaia and Aria Ma. It was on becoming a Mum wrote the Climate Change Album called Too Late to Pray.
“Something deep happens as a mother as all mothers know, some part of you dissolves into service to another being” and for a Rock n Roll Diva this was huge and quite a journey in letting go of identity, summed up in this song LOST. Do check and even buy her latest album SHE Nation (SHE stands for Supporting Humanites Evolution)
5. Favourite Food - Avocado, Blueberries & Rice. Together? Noooooo!
Avocado – a complete food evidently, whatever that means – add some tahini, lemon, balsamic and maple syrup dressing – BOOM!
Blueberries too are a superfood – again I don’t know what that means but it suits me as they are constant companion at breakfast.
And Rice – well Rice is Nice, whether sweet or sour – its my only real carb! Except for Oat Milk – does that count?
Awesome Bio……Grab Yourself A Cuppa
Victoria has produced over 30 albums, endless artwork, loads of videos, over 10 festivals, product launches and events, in fact 12 national UK events since 2011 including: Tagore Festival at Dartington featuring Deepak Chopra, Vandana Shiva and Satish Kumar, it was a huge 7 days over 4 venues, 100 artists, 6000 tickets sold. She also produced the first UK Social Justice Festival, Interrogate, Home World Music Festival with Suzanne Vega. Three Storytelling Festivals: Westcountry Storytelling Festival at Embercombe, Winter Storytelling Festival with the Woods Sisters and more recently working on Production the Oxford Storytelling Festival at Waterperry House.
Training originally in Theatre in Australia, she has worked most of her life as a touring musician and songwriter and is widely known as Joyaa. In later life, she retreated into the studio; engineering and producing 30 albums for clients in 7 years. Recently she came out with her 11th Album SHE Nation – Rise In Love. Also has worked extensively in the Mindfulness and Natural Health Sectors producing Quest 2013, Devon and Deva Premal & Miten Concert in Bath. For over 12 years she performed and ran workshops in the Green and Mind Body Spirit UK Circuit as Joyaa. She trained 10 years ago in family constellations and loves constellating environmental issues outdoors.
Victoria is currently the Principal of Pauline Quirke Performing Arts Academy in Torbay. Supported by her great team our students win national film awards and perform on the West End Stage attaining Distinctions from Trinity College London.
Bristol’s Big Green Week Producer in 2015, in Bristol European Green Capital year, Victoria was Bristol’s Big Green Week Producer co-ordinating with over 200 city-wide events. After robust community engagement, Victoria was involved with co-creating relevant content for this exciting socially and ecologically aware city.
That year Big Green Week as a company changed its name to Love The Future and her role moved from Festival Manager to Executive Producer – where she delivered three events in Bristol last Autumn: the Love The Future Launch, and in partnership with Bristol Green Capital partnership delivered the inaugural Healthy City Week – Well being that doesn’t cost the earth and Love The Future of Fashion Ethical fashion show which was the TEDx Bristol After Party at the Colston Hall. Victoria, for her sins is also one of the founders of a new type of wind turbine based on sailing Tradewind Turbines.
Yet it was her own Seed Festival – Planting Big Ideas; that is most dear to her as it successfully combined her two great loves Art & Ecology. The Seed Festival aims to inspire a more intimate and personal connection with our living world and our place within, whilst using the mindful tools and processes to support us to deepen this connection, holding us steady, resourced and grounded us going forward.
Featuring Caroline Lucas and Molly Scott-Cato of the Green Party, the BBC’s Bruce Parry, Satish Kumar, Eden Project’s Sir Tim Smit, Polly Higgins and so many others; plus performers Rising Appalachia (USA) on their slow movement tour, the Ganda Boys, Radio 4 Poet Matt Harvey, Seize the Day’s Shannon Smy and Australia’s Formidable Vegetable Sound System.
The next Seed Festival – Planting Big Ideas is 9-11 July 2021 – So Save The Date!
Passionate about the Youth Climate Movement, she is currently the Producer and co-writer of a Youth Climate Show heading the Edinburgh Fringe called the Dodo Circus and the Doomsday Disco
Based on Dartmoor, Devon UK she is a mother of the beautiful teenager Scarlett. Victoria loves all things arty and eco that are inspired by soul. She calls herself a Love Activist, “just imagine a world where everyone is doing what they love, even for 24 hours. If 7 billion people just loved we would change the world.”
Victoria offers
• Remote Package 6 session working solo online through these life changing process, without input and feedback £150
• Engage Package 5 session 1:1 engaging with these powerful processes with Victoria offering feedback and creative input £350
• Enhance Package 6 session 1:1 deeper dive with Victoria, with extra tasks, input & session to take your project to the next level £500
• Plus One off or ongoing coaching session or deep dive breakthrough constellation or even a bespoke idea factory session £75ph
Explore & Develop Your Project or Business Idea – All Courses includes:
• Unique processes to allow your Project to authentically emerge & become robust.
• Create your Brand, Discover your Colour Palette and Projects Language.
• Clarify the problem you solve for your clients.
• Refine your clients profile, their motivations that make them what to work with you.
• Connect with your “Deep Why” & the Passion that propels the Project, making it easy & exciting!
• Face your Doubts and claim yourself as a Key Person of Influence.
• Create the Map or plot the Hero’s Journey of how you will support your Client.
• Effortlessly generate all the content you need for your website, blogs, social media & advertising.
• Create a bespoke a business model to allow your Project to Flourish.
• Have a skills inventory & galvanize your Projects offerings to be appealing & accessible to your new clients.
• Create and price your packages & define your next steps, in which to successful launch your Project.