General FAQ’s

Do I need to have a project in mind before we start?
No, yet its great to do the FREE Discover Your Passion Project – Short Course to make more of the opportunity.
Are the calls confidential?
Yes, though they are recorded and shared with the course participants, so you don’t need to take notes and its helpful if you miss a call.
Is there a forum to share ideas?
Yes, there is the Course Groups Whats App thread where the course recordings get posted along with the homework. Its also a place of sharing, AHA’s and inspiration as we become cheerleaders for each other. Plus there is a Passion Projectors Playground Facebook Closed Group for anyone working with me, it is a lifetime membership which works in the same way as a place to share your breakthroughs, achievements, new websites, inspiration and more.
How many people will be on the course?
It varies from a few to 8 participants per course.
Can I have more than one passion project?
You can but for the course, focus on one. You can repeat the course processes with your other project separately.
In fact, it may become clear how they might combine. Though I recommend focusing on one and letting that build and develop momentum.
I have so many ideas for projects - how do I choose which one to develop?
What a fab problem to have! Just start with the strongest or most passionate idea and it may change or refine as you go through the course.
Can you recommend anyone to help me with my marketing?
I can – especially in the Launch Your Passion Project course, in fact I open up lots of my professional networks open to help you with your Passion Project.
Personal FAQ’s

My health/energy levels aren’t so great. Will that be a problem?
The great thing about being online is that it allows greater flexibility, if you need to have the video turned off at time you can. Also the calls are recorded if you miss a call.
I’m not a native English speaker - is that OK?
The calls are in English and you may struggle depending how good your English is?
Luckily the calls are recorded, so you can take you time to listen through again – in case you feel you have missed something.
Do I need to have a website for my project?
No, not yet and maybe never depending on your Passion Project. I launch this as just a Facebook Page, so I would start small and let it grow organically. Plus you may have a completely new name or project at the end of the course, so do not buy your domain name until the end of the Explore Your Passion Project Course.
My friend/partner are doing our project together. How would that work on your course?
If you both wanted to do the course you still need to pay each as a participant to be fair on the other participants, if you both couldn’t come to all the calls we could maybe work out a deal that suits.
Do I need to be able to meditate/visualise things?
There is guided visualisation in the course at times but I always say if you are not a visual person, just feel it. Often you are taking notes throughout the visualisation too as a part of the discovery, yet I wouldn’t worry as these things often unfold organically.
Practical FAQ’s

What day and times are the calls?
That varies depending on the participants and which course you are on but usually 11am UK (8pm Australia) or 8pm UK (12noon LA) either Tuesday and Thursday.
How long are the calls?
They are an hour in length, though it can run over ten mins at times.
Are the calls recorded?
The calls are recorded and shared on the group Whats App thread but they are only for participants and not to be shared as they are confidential and precious! They are recorded for two reasons – one so you can just be present on the the call and not feel the need to take lots of notes but also for me as the coach to help me develop my offering and support you on the course.
What happens if I miss a session?
That is OK as the calls are recorded and shared in the Groups Whats App thread, so you can catch up easily. Ideally you are encourage to share your course homework on the thread too as everyone will be keen to know your developments and AHA’s.
How much time is needed each week for the homework?
There is homework each week and it’s the type of exploration that can be as little as 30-60mins to 2-3hrs depending on how much time your have to work (play) on it.
Can I join the calls by phone?
We meet on Zoom, which is a video conferencing platform like Skype. You can use it on your smart phone, tablet or laptop and if you haven’t any wifi you can dial in using a landline of your country then add the meeting number.
Do I need to have a headset for the calls?
You don’t yet I like them as it gives me privacy and it can be a little clearer or consistent with the sound levels.
What platform do you use for the calls?
We meet on Zoom, which is a video conferencing platform like Skype, it’s just a little more user friendly I think. You can use it on your smart phone or tablet with an app or laptop and if you haven’t any wifi you can dial in using a landline of your country then add the meeting number.
Are there any other platforms than Zoom?
Yes, there is the Course Groups Whats App thread where the course recordings get posted along with the homework. Its also a place of sharing, AHA’s and inspiration as we become cheerleaders for each other. Plus there is the members Passion Projectors Playground Facebook Group for anyone working with me, it is a lifetime membership which works in the same way as a place to share your breakthroughs, achievements, new websites, inspiration and more.
How do I find the Zoom Meeting No.?
The Zoom Meeting Number is always posted in the Whats App Thread before the call, its always the same one. Though a top tip is to download Zoom to your desktop and where you go to pop in the Zoom Meeting Number there is a little arrow on the right of the box, just under the number area. Its a drop down menu to most recent calls and their numbers, so you can always find it there too.
How do I find the Homework Question?
The Homework Question is posted in the Groups Whats App Thread after the call. I recommend making it a Starred message, so you can find it easily.
Financial FAQ’s
Do I need to make any additional investments as part of the course?
No, its either a single payment of £199 for Explore Your Passion Project or you can arrange two payments of £130 for a 6 week course. Launch Your Passion Project 3 month course is £399 or three monthly direct debt payments of £150.
Do you have a payment plan?
YES its either a single payment of £199 for Explore Your Passion Project or two payments of £130 for a 6 week course.
Launch Your Passion Project 3 month course is £399 or three monthly direct debt payments of £150.